Friday, 7 October 2011

Teteras y anticuchos

The flat's starting to look like a place where people actually live, not just a box! We've been hunting for furniture and stuff to fill it up a bit, we've managed to collect a small thing with drawers, i dont even know what the name for it is, a little dining table and a kettle, which has opened up an array of culinary delights ... noodles, boiled eggs, cups of tea, that kind of thing.

A couple weeks ago we met up with Evie's friend Charlotte who was travelling in Peru. We were both working but at different times, I didn't finish till half two and Evie was meeting her at one so I got my first bus on my own! We just met in Barranco and walked down to the beach then went for a couple drinks. Me an Evie walked back to the other girls' hostel with them because we saw our bus drive past and we asked the lady at reception which side of the road to catch the bus back to San Juan from. She told us to get a taxi because it wasn't a safe area but we said it was fine, we get that bus a lot because we live and work there. She couldn't believe it, literally she was stunned. Two young gringa girls living in San Juan.

We had our talk with Hugo and the rest of the volunteers a couple of weeks ago! He seems pretty flexible about us having time off, and as a rough guide we're planning to take three weeks  at Christmas, a week in March to see Mum then four weeks at the end. To be honest as long as we don't take the piss, I think he'll be fine with anything. He said we shouldn't be working weekends either so now we only work monday to friday and then getting the boys ready for mass and tea on sundays, which is a lot better! The volunteers might be getting a washing machine as well, which would definately be an improvement on hand washing.

Last weekend we organised having a volunteers BBQ, there´s 9 of us in total at the moment but that´ll change as some come and go, although all of them are long term volunteers and here for one to one and a half years. Two German volunteers, five american volunteers then me and Ebay. We used the grill outside for the first time and had fajitas. Then later on me, Evie, Laura and Christoff went to use the voucher for tea we won at the Te De La Experanza. It just said grill and sangria so we didn´t really know what to expect, but it was so posh and the food was amazing. Everything was so expensive its a good job it was free, it was14 soles for a side portion of chips. We had so much food it was enough to feed all four of us ... two beef steaks, a pork steak, chicken breast, kidneys, black pudding sausage, pork sausage, beef sausage and two beef heart skewers. I wasnt sure how the beef heart skewers were giong to be, but they were honestly the nicest thing I´ve ever eaten! I love anticuchos!

Moffy xxx

P.S. plez dont write Ciudad de los Ninos on letters etc because then they take longer to get here!

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